The Way of the Scale

The Way of the Scale, 2D Art
The Way of the Scale
Something that I particularly enjoy is creating anthropomorphic fantasy characters, and when playing around with fantasy concepts for artwork, I came back to considering animals that I could design fantasy characters based on. I found an image of a Blue Tree Monitor, an endangered lizard native to Indonesia, and I thought its color and scale patterns were creatively inspiring. What vibe did this aesthetic give? The character had to be agile, but also have magic due to its rather magical appearance, so I created this lizardfolk monk. The pun of naming this monk's spiritual path "The Way of the Scale" was too irresistible, and so his spiritual philosophy had to be based on achieving balance with nature, which honors the real-life lizard species' need for balance from the human world due to its endangered status.

2D Art    16.66 x 12    $120.00   

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